About Me

I'm a stay-at-home mom of three. I love READING, photography and traveling with my family. I also crochet and sew. I'm also a member of the Cowboy Fast Draw association. For the past twelve years I've home schooled our three kids. This year I'm down to home schooling just one.
I discovered the library when I was about twelve years old. I fell in love with books; the Cherry Ames nurse stories, Nancy Drew, Grace Livingston Hill, Emilie Loring and even the Hardy Boys! I was hooked. And the rest as they say is history.
I remember doing the dishes and trying to read at the same time! My mom would say, "If you put the book down the dishes will get done faster, and you can go back to your book."
I inherited my love of books from my mother. We still share them even tho' we don't live in the same state.
Now that I'm older the books might have changed but I still love to read. Being able to share my love of reading with my kids is a special feeling.
It's great when you find a good book and you're able to share it with others.
May God bless your day :)