Over the line by Kelly Irvin is a fast-paced suspense story straight from today’s headlines. Restaurant owner, Gabriella Benoit is confronted by a college student who whispers her brothers name and then dies at her feet! Turning to her ex-fiancé, homicide detective Eli Cavazos, for help in finding her brother, was her only hope of finding Jake alive. The suspense storyline was very action packed. You never knew who you could trust. Gabriella was not your typical storybook heroine that faints at the first sign of danger and never fights back. She jumped in with both feet so to speak and wasn’t afraid to face the bad guys. I liked this strength about her. She wouldn’t be pushed around. She knew how to handle a gun but yet she was still feminine. I didn’t care so much for Eli. He needed to communicate more instead of shutting people out. The romance part of the book seemed a little stilted and you never got the whole back story. But overall the story was one I would read again.
I received this book from Celebrate-Lit in exchange for my honest review.