A Promise Engraved by Liz Tolsma is the eighth book in the multi-author Doors to the Past series. This is a dual-timeline story. Josie Wilkins lives in Texas around the time of the Battle of the Alamo. Kayleigh Hewland lives in present-day San Antonio. When Kayleigh finds a small gold ring it opens the door to the past. What mysteries will she uncover as she researches the inscription on the inside of the ring? The story started off kind of slow; but it picked up and kept you riveted until the final chapter. There was a lot of sadness in the story but happiness as well; and it was filled with well-researched historical tidbits. I really enjoyed learning a little more of the history of Texas.
I received this book from Celebrate-Lit for my honest review.
About the Author

Liz Tolsma is the author of several WWII novels, romantic suspense novels, prairie romance novellas, and an Amish romance. She is a popular speaker and an editor and resides next to a Wisconsin farm field with her husband and their youngest daughter. Her son is a US Marine, and her oldest daughter is a college student. Liz enjoys reading, walking, working in her large perennial garden, kayaking, and camping. Please visit her website at www.liztolsma.com and follow her on Facebook, Twitter (@LizTolsma), Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. She is also the host of the Christian Historical Fiction Talk podcast.
More from Liz
The Story of Susannah Dickinson, Alamo Survivor
When asked how many died at the Alamo, many would answer that everyone did. While it’s true that all fighting on the side of Texas independence perished, there were survivors, all women and children and one slave. The only white woman (the rest were of Mexican descent) was Susannah Dickinson, along with her daughter Angelina. Susannah had followed her husband, Almaron, to Mexican Texas in 1831. They had married two years before when Susannah was just fifteen. She never learned to read or write.
She and the other women hid in the sacristy of the church, one of the surviving buildings in the mission and what we now think of as the Alamo. Her husband died, but Mexican General Santa Anna found them and spared their lives, sending them to Sam Houston with $2 each and a blanket.
She married again the following year but divorced him almost immediately on the grounds of cruelty. She married a third time the following year and was married for five years until her husband died of alcoholism. A fourth marriage occurred in 1847, but she divorced again in 1857, this time allegedly because she was having an affair. That same year, she married for a fifth time. This marriage lasted until her death in 1883.
The ring in A Promise Engraved is based on a cat’s eye ring supposedly given to Angelina by William Travis before the battle. Angelina was Susannah’s only child. She married and had three children, but that marriage ended in divorce. She gave the ring to a man she’d become involved with in New Orleans. She married again and had one more child but died in 1869 from a uterine hemorrhage.
Today there are many descendants of Susannah Dickinson. If you visit the Susannah Dickinson house in Austin, you’ll see a quilt that is signed by many of her living descendants.
Congratulations on your release of A Promised Engraved, Liz, I enjoyed following the tour and learning about your book, which sounds like a great book for me to read and enjoy! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for sharing it with me! Thanks, A Good Book and a Cup of Tea for sharing your review! Have an amazing TGIF!