Beneath His Silence by Hannah Linder is a Regency stand-alone novel. Ella Pemberton poses as a governess to gain access to Wyckhorn Manor in the hopes of exposing the man who killed her sister. Lord Sedgewick loves his son but has a burning hatred for everyone else. Will the new governess change all that? This was a great story of love and forgiveness with a little suspense thrown in. I loved Ella’s adventurous nature and her love of little Peter. This was the first book I’ve read by this author; she did a great job. I’m looking forward to reading more from her.
I received this book from Celebrate-Lit for my honest review.
About the Author

Hannah Linder resides in the beautiful mountains of central West Virginia. Represented by Books & Such, she writes Regency romantic suspense novels. She is a double 2021 Selah Award winner, a 2022 Selah Award finalist, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). Hannah is a Graphic Design Associates Degree graduate who specializes in professional book cover design. She designs for both traditional publishing houses and individual authors, including New York Times, USA Today, and International bestsellers. She is also a local photographer and a self-portrait photographer. When Hannah is not writing, she enjoys playing her instruments—piano, guitar, and ukulele—songwriting, painting still life, walking in the rain, and sitting on the front porch of her 1800s farmhouse. To follow her journey, visit hannahlinderbooks.com.
More from Hannah
People always ask me what inspired a story. Where did I get the idea? Who was my inspiration? What true-life event motivated these characters into existence?
And the truth is, I don’t know. I’ve never known. When I was younger, I’d look clueless and shrug my shoulders. A few years ago, I would have probably answered “people”—and maybe there’s truth in that. People do inspire me. The way they walk, the places they go, the things they do, the way they dress.
But lately…well, I think it’s more than that. I don’t think it’s people so much as feelings. The nitty-gritty. The raw emotions, caught deep in someone’s chest, at the most pivotal points in their life.
Like the old man seated at a booth, alone in a restaurant, with his veiny hands cupping a mug of coffee. It’s not his shabby fedora that inspires me. Or the knotty cane leaned against his seat. Or the envelope stuffed into the pocket of his woolen overcoat.
It’s the look on his face. The slow blinking, the red nose, the flash of moisture as he takes another sip of coffee. Why does he sit alone? Who left him? Who caused the tears? What emotions render that lost, helpless, longing expression—and how will he cope?
If you would ask me what inspired Beneath His Silence, I probably wouldn’t have much of an answer. No concrete idea or moment would rush to remembrance. If anything, inspiration for Beneath His Silence was nothing more than a small thought. A feeling.
I wanted to write about a girl who learned to love someone she hated. I wanted to explore every aspect. The poison of her hate. The weight it pressed into her heart. The process—slow, startling, and healing—that sucked out that poison and replaced it with something unexpected. Love.
I guess that’s what I love about writing. Not the people. The characters. Not even the storylines and the plot twists and the fun settings.
I love the emotion. That’s what inspires me.
And if you find yourself in the pages of Beneath His Silence, I hope it will inspire you too.
Beneath His Silence sounds like an excellent read for me and I like the cover!
Thanks for sharing it with me and have a magical holiday season!