The Thief of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep is a stand-alone novel set in 1880’s London, England. Constable Jackson Forge is new to the constabulary but he has high hopes of making the streets a safer place for everyone. Kit Turner and her crew roam those streets looking for easy marks to swindle. When Jackson is tasked with finding a missing cabbie, he enlists Kits help. What they find could cost them both their lives. This story takes you on a journey through the streets of London during Victorian times. From ball rooms to prison cells, back alleys to grand avenues you get a feel for the time period. The drama between Jackson and Kit was quite entertaining. I liked Kit’s resourcefulness, her compassion and her ability to take care of herself. The suspense through-out kept you turning the page to find out what happened next. I would definitely recommend this book.
I received this book from Celebrate-Lit for my honest review.